usrc toc

The user manual (an older version) is available as a single, ready to print HTML and PDF file here:

Getting Started

Editing Effectively

Tuning Vim

Writing Vim script

Making Vim Run

Reference manual

reference_toc More detailed information for all commands

Getting Started

Read this from start to end to learn the essential commands.

usr_01.txt About the manuals

usr_02.txt The first steps in Vim

usr_03.txt Moving around

usr_04.txt Making small changes

usr_05.txt Set your settings

usr_06.txt Using syntax highlighting

usr_07.txt Editing more than one file

usr_08.txt Splitting windows

usr_09.txt Using the GUI

usr_10.txt Making big changes

usr_11.txt Recovering from a crash

usr_12.txt Clever tricks

Editing Effectively

Subjects that can be read independently.

usr_20.txt Typing command-line commands quickly

usr_21.txt Go away and come back

usr_22.txt Finding the file to edit

usr_23.txt Editing other files

usr_24.txt Inserting quickly

usr_25.txt Editing formatted text

usr_26.txt Repeating

usr_27.txt Search commands and patterns

usr_28.txt Folding

usr_29.txt Moving through programs

usr_30.txt Editing programs

usr_31.txt Exploiting the GUI

usr_32.txt The undo tree

Tuning Vim

Make Vim work as you like it.

usr_40.txt Make new commands

usr_41.txt Write a Vim script

usr_42.txt Add new menus

usr_43.txt Using filetypes

usr_44.txt Your own syntax highlighted

usr_45.txt Select your language (locale)

Writing Vim script

usr_50.txt Advanced Vim script writing

usr_51.txt Write plugins

usr_52.txt Write larger plugins

Making Vim Run/read

Before you can use Vim.

usr_90.txt Installing Vim