查找占用端口的 PID
windows kill process
查找占用端口的 PID
查找 PID 程序名
cmd/powershell 使用管理员权限运行
别名 ni
vim in powershell
$profile 输出当前用户 powershell 启动时加载脚本
默认位置 C:\Users\leo\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1,不存在则新建
编辑 C:\Users\leo\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
添加以下内容,重新打开 powershell 使生效
character encoding
microsoft docs
Changing the default encoding
PowerShell has two default variables that can be used to change the default encoding behavior.
- $PSDefaultParameterValues
- $OutputEncoding
Beginning in PowerShell 5.1, the redirection operators ( > and ») call the Out-File cmdlet. Therefore, you can set the default encoding of them using the $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable as shown in this example:
Use the following statement to change the default encoding for all cmdlets that have the Encoding parameter.
Windows PowerShell 5.1 Encoding 参数支持以下值
- Ascii 使用 Ascii(7位)字符集
- BigEndianUnicode 使用具有 big-endian 字节顺序的 UTF-16。
- BigEndianUTF32 使用具有 big-endian 字节顺序的 UTF-32。
- Byte 将一组字符编码为字节序列。
- Default 使用与系统的活动代码页对应的编码, (通常为 ANSI) 。
- Oem 使用与系统的当前 OEM 代码页对应的编码。
- String 与 Unicode 相同。
- Unicode 使用具有 little-endian 字节顺序的 UTF-16。
- Unknown 与 Unicode 相同。
- UTF32 使用具有 little-endian 字节顺序的 UTF-32。
- UTF7 使用 UTF-7。
- UTF8 将 UTF-8 (与 BOM) 配合使用。
通常,Windows PowerShell 默认使用 Unicode UTF-16LE 编码。
但是,与Windows PowerShell 中 cmdlet 使用的默认编码并不一致。
使用除 UTF7 之外 的任何 Unicode 编码始终会创建 BOM。
For cmdlets that write output to files:
- Out-File and the redirection重定向 operators操作符 > and » create UTF-16LE, which notably differs from Set-Content and Add-Content.
- New-ModuleManifest and Export-CliXml also create UTF-16LE files.
- When the target file is empty or doesn’t exist, Set-Content and Add-Content use Default encoding. Default is the encoding specified by the active system locale’s ANSI legacy code page.
- Export-Csv creates Ascii files but uses different encoding when using Append parameter (see below).
- Export-PSSession creates UTF-8 files with BOM by default.
- New-Item -Type File -Value creates a BOM-less UTF-8 file.
- Send-MailMessage uses Default encoding by default.
- Start-Transcript creates Utf8 files with a BOM. When the Append parameter is used, the encoding can be different (see below).
For commands that append to an existing file:
- Out-File -Append and the » redirection operator make no attempt to match the encoding of the existing target file’s content. Instead, they use the default encoding unless the Encoding parameter is used. You must use the files original原始的 encoding when appending content.
- In the absence不存在 of an explicit明确的 Encoding parameter, Add-Content detects侦察出 the existing encoding and automatically applies it to the new content. If the existing content has no BOM, Default ANSI encoding is used. The behavior of Add-Content is the same in PowerShell (v6 and higher) except the default encoding is Utf8.
- Export-Csv -Append matches the existing encoding when the target file contains a BOM. In the absence不存在 of a BOM, it uses Utf8 encoding.
- Start-Transcript -Append matches the existing encoding of files that include a BOM. In the absence不存在 of a BOM, it defaults to Ascii encoding. This encoding can result in导致 data loss丢失 or character corruption腐蚀 when the data in the transcript转写本 contains multibyte多字节 characters.
For cmdlets that read string data in the absence不存在 of a BOM:
- Get-Content and Import-PowerShellDataFile uses the Default ANSI encoding. ANSI is also what the PowerShell engine uses when it reads source code from files.
- Import-Csv, Import-CliXml, and Select-String assume Utf8 in the absence不存在 of a BOM.